* 1984 in Graz
2003 - 2010 University of Applied Arts, Vienna: "Art and Communication" (Erwin Wurm, Barbara Putz-Plecko, James Skone)
2002/03 Karl Franzens University, Graz: "History of Art and Slavic languages"
2023 A.I.R KULM Pischelsdorf
2021 A.I.R. auf!auf! Bad Ischl
2020 Glanzstück Award with KOMM.ST
2017/18 Kunstraum Steiermark Stipendium
2015/16 Visiting Artist, WASPS Glasgow
2014 StartStipendium Bmukk
2014 AIR Kosice, Land Steiermark
2013 AIR 33oc in Toffia, Italy
2012 Theodor Körner Award
2011 Fine Art Scholarship of the City of Graz
2011 BMUKK Residency Scholarship Shanghai
2009 Scholarship of the Province of Styria for fine arts
2006 Award for Cocktailrobotics, Roböxotica
Solo Exhibitions/Performances
2023 Sonic Soil, Atelier Schillerstraße
2021 lll - Labor, Lehártheater Bad Ischl
2017 of, Electro Gönner Schaufenster, Wien
2017 multmasking, lab, Anger
2016 How to fold a palm tree, steirischer herbst/Kunsthaus, Graz
2015 and some place else, acf Bratislava
2014 within a lonesome group, Bravo Building, Kosice
2012 bits and pieces, Lust Gallery, Vienna
2011 Chambers of Commerce, para_site Galerie, Graz
2009 Dach und Fach, Innenansichten 05, Stadtmuseum Graz
Group Exhibitions
2024 Wittgenstein reloaded, Galerija Legat Belgrade
2023 Quietly loud, Peter Gaugy Gallery Vienna
2023 Graz Wechsel Wien, GPLcontemporary Vienna
2022 Wien Wechsel Graz, Kunsthalle Graz
2022 Three Thirds YCC Vienna / Hochsommer Art Festival
2022 Hidden Archives, The Highbrow Institute/Garage Grande, Wien
2022 Les palmiers fatigues, Le Cube, Rabat (Marokko)
2020 Dimensions Variable#, Wien
2020 Panoptikum, Graz
2019 Alphabet des anarchistischen Amateurs, rotor, Graz
2018 SHOW, SL Galerie Graz
2018 COLABOR, Lichthof, Angewandte Wien
2017 Hacking History, Kunstgeschichte Institut Vienna
2017 catch an take hold, Darger HQ, Omaha (USA)
2017 Kunstraum Steiermark, Neue Galerie Graz
2017 Tribute, Kunstforum Montafon
2016 The world arranges itself around you, Galerie Zimmer Kratochwill, Graz
2016 KinoMéxico, Instituto de Estudios Educativos y Sindicales de América, Mexico Ciudad
2016 Supermarket, Stockholm (SWE)
2016 Non Lieux, Johnstraße 31, Wien
2015 subversiv, GrazMuseum
2015 Part of the game, Kunsthalle Graz
2015 Chasing Max Mustermann, Designhalle Graz
2015 creative class escorts, VSL, Lindabrunn
2015 IT IS 3 MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT, transcuratorial art lab, Vienna
2014 Devised Province, Darger HQ, Lincoln, NE, USA
2014 refuse the shadows of the past, University Gallery, Hong Kong
2014 small pieces III/ 2, Galerie Lendl, Graz
2013 parallel, Altes Telegrafenamt, Vienna
2013 Ausstellung ist eine Ausstellung..., Forum Stadtpark Graz
2013 heart & soul, factory, Berlin
2012 left and right, ASAP/ Hong Studio, Beijing
2012 Every wall is a door, Salzburger Kunstverein, Salzburg
2012 DIMENSIONS VARIABLE#, mo.e, Vienna
2011 in view of..., Austrian Cultural Forum, London
2011, are we there yet, periscope/ Hödelmoser Atelier, Salzburg
2011where we were, The smallest Gallery, Graz
2010 Mit uns ist kein (National)staat zu machen, Kunstraum NOE, Vienna
2010 Inside, Outside...and the spaces in between, Kunstraum next Andrä, Graz
2010 When a Stranger Calls a Friend, Project 165, Toronto(Canada)
2009 Ich bin ganz woanders I+II+III, Into the City/Wiener Festwochen, Kulturhaus Peja (Kosovo); Brückenkopfgebäude Linz; Volkskundliches Museum, Vienna
2008 Fine Arts Award Nominee Exhibition, Neue Galerie, Graz
2008 PlanB, 44/sic!, Antwerp (BG)
2007 Unité, Pavillon der Tiroler Künstlerschaft, Innsbruck