Roswitha Weingrill

within a lonely group

Roswitha Weingrill, 2015

a. A group is a number of things or persons being in some relation to one another.

In the initial stages of expansion, the groups usually do not accept every applicant. This leaves the newcomer with enough distance to observe. The main advantage of observational research is flexibility, as the researchers can change their approach as needed. It might be helpful to stick to the following structure:

- Asking a question about a phenomenon
- Making observations of the phenomenon

- Hypothesizing an explanation for the phenomenon - Predicting a logical consequence of the hypothesis

- Testing the hypothesis by an experiment
- Creating a conclusion with data gathered in the experiment

b. Groups share a fundamental kinship with the notion of symmetry

Once upon a time flowers used to guide the way trough the woods of concrete blocks. Painted on the upright walls lilies, roses and sunflowers led the wanderer securely towards the destination. As the flowers started fading, orientation declined accordingly.

Historically, wayfinding refers to the techniques used by travelers over land and sea to find relatively unmarked and often mislabeled routes. These include but are not limited to dead reckoning, map and compass, astronomical positioning and, more recently, global positioning. Orientation is the first of the four stages of wayfinding.

c. In these systems, when a group is created, one or more users may be named as group administrators.

Dominant and recessive inheritance are useful concepts when it comes to predicting the probability of a newly built tower block displaying certain colours. Anyhow, this terms can be subjective, which adds to the confusion. The same pattern can be considered dominant or recessive, depending on how you look at it. Although this is not completely unknown to scientists, this was not seen as generally applicable at the time, even by Mendel himself, who thought they only applied to certain categories of patterns.

d. The Local Group is the group of galaxies that includes the Milky Way, among others.

The local communities seem to have experienced change and needed to make adjustments. If one brings a small collection of strangers together in a restricted space and environment, provides a common goal and maybe a few ground rules, then a highly probable course of events will follow. Interaction between individuals is the basic requirement, to reach a communal decision. In reality, it is only at this level, where the actual number of parties is small, that true democratic decision making may be possible. Renovation might be the result or a description of the process.

e. However, a group ́s relative reactivity can be modified by nearby functional groups.

A healthy community relies on a balance of economic, social, human and environmental factors to promote the physical, mental and social well-being of people who live and work in the community.

f. Groups therefore vary considerably in size.

A well designed environment image will improve the sense of security for people and set up a harmonious relationship between the outer world and themselves. Above all, cities have specific spatial structure just like architecture, but in an enormous scale, which will take us a much longer time to perceive and understand. This process can sometimes be problematic, when some areas do not want certain streets or houses to be included in their neighborhood boundary. Some theorists are therefor careful with definitions which stress the importance of interdependence or objective similarity. Regardless, social groups come in a myriad of sizes, colours and varieties. This definition is long and complex, but it is also precise.